Quantum Leap

I love this show. It was simple, a little Sci-fi built in, and something different each time. Mix the re-runs and my TiVo together, and I have a winning combination. Now, when this thing was on originally I was able to catch it some. It was one of those shows that came on at a time that didn’t work with my schedule.

So now I have a seasons-pass for it on the Tivo, and I have watched about 2 seasons or more. I looked on the net for information as time went on, and I remember reading how this show got the shaft when it was cancelled, and it did get it too.

Basically, they had to re-edit the last show that they did and convert it to a series ender. When I finally saw that episode, I was pissed. It sucked how that show was so good then enter the network execs and all of the sudden, BLAM. What a disappointment.

I also read that there is a new series on the horizon, with Sams Daughter Sammy Jo. Apparently she goes looking for Sam. I am interested, and I hope that this one won’t disappoint….

Firefox 1.0

Firefox is now 1.0!

I know that I am not the only one, but I have been using Mozilla since .5x series and seen it grow into a nice internet suite…and Firefox is just building on that. They have a lot of smart people putting this together, in the programming side, and the marketing side also. I am very happy for them.

Long Live Firefox!

Jumped the Shark

Jumped the Shark is one of those sites that I had been to before, but is always fun to revisit.

What is Jumped the Shark?
It’s a moment. A defining when you know that your favorite television program has reached it’s peak. That instant that you know from now on…it’s all downhill. Some call it the climax. We call it Jumping the Shark.

Soft Modding your XBOX

I often think about modding my XBOX, mainly because I want a place to put all my MAME stuff on. However, I am not sure about popping open the cover of the thing. (Interesting because this feeling hasn’t stopped me before.)

Anyway, here is a link to a step by step guide to Softmodding your XBOX, and even installing Mac OSX on it. Maybe I can get over that feeling this coming weekend…

XBOX MOD – Mac Install

Star Trek: New Voyages…

Related to my earlier post about Fanfilms This is one I really liked. Basically this is a pickup of where Star Trek:TOS left off.

This is a band of people working together to create a new set of Star Trek:TOS style episodes that actually pick up where season 3 of the TOS left off. They say that this is what season 4 would have been like.

There is Kirk, Spock, and McCoy. The sets and costumes really look like they picked up authentic stuff off of ebay or something. What amazes me most is that they can’t make a dime off of this, yet they work thier rears off to make a film.

The first episode was good, called ‘Come What May’. The second, “In Harms Way” was just released earlier this month and I am downloading it now.
Check it out over Here

I wish that there was a way for these people to profit something from this, but you know how that goes…