First Post

Wow…it seems I missed a milestone. I started to look back at some older posts on my blog here and I see that the obligatory !FirstPost! was made May 14th, 2004. Now, I have had the site for some time, I think I bought the domain back in 2000. I know I have not been the most prolific blogger during all of this time, but I have had my share of posts as well as my share of dry spells.

Reading some of my old posts I can see where a lot of the material I was posting bled over into Technorama and I see a lot of other things that mattered to me including Linux and Open Source, however one thing I haven’t done a lot of is bring personal opinions here about politics, etc. I guess I hadn’t because I don’t really like the confrontation that you get on the internet with things of that nature. It can be very one sided.

So as time moves on perhaps I will bring more personal opinion and personal thoughts in the next 6 years, don’t know. But what I do know is I do like to share and I do believe that when we share, we grow and I will be still doing that for some time to come all the while as I strive to be a better blogger.

Better days

Better days, originally uploaded by kreg.steppe.

Three Deep

Three Deep, originally uploaded by kreg.steppe.


Toaster, originally uploaded by kreg.steppe.


Tea, originally uploaded by kreg.steppe.


Memorial Day

Memorial Day, originally uploaded by kreg.steppe.