NASA has just announced that it is now decided to go ahead and servicing the Hubble Space Telescope, likely to happen in 2008. This mission will repair failing batteries, gyroscopes, and install some fantastic new instruments which will allow Hubble to continue to be one of the best telescopes in the world.
There are so many good designs out there this year it is hard NOT to find an awesomely carved pumpking on the internet!
The Server Room of Horrors 2006
It is that time of year again…and that means time for another installment of The Server Room of Horrors!
The Server Room of Horrors is the continuing story of Mark the Unix Sysadmin who died at his keyboard, frustrated with User issues and work schedule, trying to … Delete All Users!
Update: Don’t miss out…keep listening till after the credits!
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Scott Adams lost his Voice?
First off, I must be an idiot…I didn’t know that the Dilbert artist had a blog… however via Scott Johnson’s site I found out thit he does.
Scott Adams has a very interesting post there today…Very intriguing. Seems that he had lost his voice and it wasn’t because of normal laryngitis….Go and read for yourself..
BSG Freaking Rocked!
The show has been more of a drama than a Scifi space flick, but it was a nice surprise to see all the beautiful effects and action shots in laast nights episode….Great Show and an awesome wrap for the opening to Season 3.
Firefox 2 RC3
Wow…I like it. Not that a lot has changed, however the look has a bit. What I am most impressed with is the speed improvements and the spell check in text boxes.
Anyway, if you feel so inclined go and check it out. Firefox
IE7 Tomorrow?
From what I have read, IE7 will be shipped out tomorrow to everyone that gets automatic updates from Microsoft.
There are a lot of people that have used ONLY IE6 for some time, I can only imagine that this is going to be a shock to the system for a lot of users. Figure that a lot of end users flip out if the slightest thing is out of place already, and now to give them a whole different interface to thier browser? I don’t have a good feeling about this.
BSG Tonight!
Mac Cast Down
Apparently the Mac Cast, and excellent Mac Podcast, is having some domain troubles. It looks like over at Godaddy, they have shut his service off even though he hadn’t hit any bandwidth or space limit.
Here is the rest of the story!
[“Thanks Victor for the link!”]
Star Trek remaster Schedule!
Man…I have had a hard time making sure I wasn’t missing the new Remastered Star Trek TOS episodes.
Looks like I missed one…apparently there were two this last weekend.
Here is a Schedule of what to look forward to.