Simply Awesome.
Video Podcasts on your Tivo!
Oh this is BIG news. Apparently you can start to get Video podcasts on your Tivo.
I say this is big news because think…No big studios, content that you can create coming to Living Rooms everywhere.
Also with recent changes with iTunes with TV shows coming to the internet doesn’t this all seem a little ironic. I mean Podcasts coming to TV and TV going to the internet…and Cat’s and Dogs living together! Mass Hysteria!
RSStroom Reader
I am having trouble keeping up with the RSS feeds so this is perfect! Now I can leave the laptop out of the bathroom, and have my feeds printed for me.
RSStroom Reader concept prints up toilet paper news – Engadget –
Podcast is a Word Now!
What was it before? Anyway it looks like the New Oxford American Dictionary has it listed now…and I like the definition too.
The term is defined as “a digital recording of a radio broadcast or similar program, made available on the internet for downloading to a personal audio player”.
I am glad they were able to define it…everyone I introduce podcasting to most always doesn’t get it the first time I explain it. No matter how I try to define it.
Sony releases rookit uninstaller — sort of
These People are IDIOTS and just don’t, and never will get it. It just goes to show that you do not have to be smart to run a company.
They have the Gall to put this advisory on it.
Boing Boing: Sony *finally* releases rookit uninstaller — sort of
Please be advised that this program is protected by all applicable intellectual property and unfair competition laws, including patent, copyright and trade secret laws, and that all uses, including reverse engineering, in violation thereof are prohibited.
By the way, I am marking this as humor in my wordpress categories…
USB Turntable!
I wonder if I could get two and mix it up with Old School!
More TV shows now available on iTunes Music Store
How about this… TV content on the internet it becoming real…No I am not talking about bittorrent…but the iTunes music store now has Battlestar Galactica, Alfred Hitchcock Presents…, and Knight Rider.
It is tempting to get a video iPod now.
Spread Firefox With Testimonials
I saw today that the guys over at Mozilla have a new Firefox Flicks ad campain. You can record an audio testimonial and/or a Video testmonial and send it over…
What I thought was really cool, and I do not have a camera to test this…they have a page that will allow you to record your VIDEO testimonial through the browser! Yes it is written in Flash, but I thought that it was neat none the less.
I will record one tonight. How has Firefox changed your Internet Life?
Even David Byrne gets it from the RIAA
What a bunch of idiots. The RIAA has got to be the most close minded morons the world has ever produced.
David Burns got a warning from the RIAA for playing too much Missy Elliot in a row on his personal MP3 stream on his website.
He has a good rant on licensing and why can’t he play the same artist several times in a period of time and Radio stations can…good point.
Get FiT for Christmas
This past week has been something else. Besides Thanksgiving, the other thing that I have been busy with is writing a story. We, The Friends in Tech, are working on putting together a Geek Christmas Carol. I don’t want to let out all of the details just yet, but it is exciting. It is a radio play type production, and of course set with a Christmas Carol Theme to it.
I haven’t written anything this big since School, and part of me wanted to do this to prove that I could. However, I have to give a shout out to Douglas Welch…he has really put more polish on it than I could have, and made it flow really well.
The most interesting aspect of this project is everyone’s enthusiasm over participating. Once I had it written, all the parts that I had listed filled up quickly and we even have some guest voice talent too…
It is really cool to see everyone rally around something that you had a hand in making. More details to come as we get closer…
Look for it at Friends in Tech before Christmas!