Diggs for September 26th

Diggs from Digg.com user caldroun

Diggs for September 25th

Diggs from Digg.com user caldroun

Diggs for September 24th

Diggs from Digg.com user caldroun

Diggs for September 23rd

Diggs from Digg.com user caldroun

Opera is Free! What about Firefox?

I like Opera. I have used it before on Linux before Mozilla Suite started getting legs. Now that it is free I see people wondering, “How will this effect Firefox?” I think it is more like how will this effect IE.

Well, I see it like this.
1. Competition is good.
2. More base for Standards, forcing IE’s hand

IE needs a kick in the pants, and it is getting one. I will go so far as say it is irresponsible for Microsoft to insist on IE as a users first and default browser and have it be such a security hole, and non compliant.

I know that they are working on it, but other projects like Firefox, Opera, Safari and Konqueror seem to keep up in a much more timely fashion. Microsoft better step it up. If the turn out another, just ok, browser I think it is lights out for IE domination.