Notable People Who Died of Lung Cancer?

What kind of Stupid idiot would run this down the wire? and Why? Just because Peter Jennings passed away? I am sorry he died, but why doesn’t the Associated Press run an article on Notable People that Died of Cirrhosis? Gunshot Wounds? I don’t remember them running this when Renaldo Benson died on July 1st. (The second on their list). There are lots of others out there too as well as the Notable ones…

I don’t know, this just struck me wrong and seemed tasteless to make this sounds like a Who’s who list. Must be a slow news day at the AP.

Notable People Who Died of Lung Cancer – Yahoo! News
A select list of notable people who’ve died of lung cancer over the years

IE 7.0, Boycott it.

Definitely an interesting read about IE 7 and the technical challenges behind it. I am sure that it isn’t easy to implement all those features but It can’t be that tough to pull off, come one, it’s Microsoft!

Firefox has done it, and further more, it is here today.

Also, isn’t it tiresome that Microsoft still chooses to use proprietary technologies rather than fix or support current web standards?

IE 7.0 Technical Changes Leave Web Developers, Users in the Lurch
My advice is simple: Boycott IE. It’s a cancer on the Web that must be stopped. IE isn’t secure and isn’t standards-compliant, which makes it unworkable both for end users and Web content creators.

Corpse Bride Unveiled

First off, I want to say that I really like Tim Burton. I enjoy his art, and his film making. The creepy and likable characters that he creates appeals to me. One of my favorite movies is The Nightmare Before Christmas. It was a visual delight.

About a month ago, I saw the trailer for The Corpse Bride and my jaw hit the floor. I thought that it was Nightmare again.

I can’t wait to see this film.

Here is a link to an article talking about the process and the equipment used in making this. I was surprised that they used Canon SLRs and Macs for editing and that is it, no CGI. Awesome.

‘Bride’ Stripped Bare
Technologically, this is a movie of many firsts; it’s the first feature-length, stop-motion film edited using Apple Final Cut Pro (FCP), it’s the first feature shot using commercial digital SLR still photography cameras and, perhaps most significantly, it’s the first movie to choose digital cameras over film cameras based on the criterion of image quality.

The Russian Shuttle Buran

I have seen pictures of this in the past, however it just is hard to believe that the Russians almost had a working shuttle. Not for any cold war fears, but seeing this thing seems like I am peering into an alternate reality or something.

Shuttle Buran – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Soviet reusable spacecraft program Buran (“Бура́н” meaning “snowstorm” or “blizzard” in Russian) began in 1976 at TsAGI as a response to the United States Space Shuttle program. Soviet politicians were convinced that the Space Shuttle would be an effective military weapon since the DoD took part in the project, and could pose a potential threat to the balance of power during the Cold War. The project was the largest and the most expensive in the history of Soviet space exploration.

Here’s to you mister Sysadmin Guy for all you do!

{listen to patriotic music while reading}
Here’s to you mister Sysadmin Guy,ah Person, for all you do!

Thanks for:
* Helping users do battle with the day to day forces that delete files or create viruses.
* For securing our networks to keep the baddies out.
* For climbing under desks and into ceilings to pull countless cables.
* For routing packets that needed routing!
* For dealing with office politics when it comes to network policy
* and for keeping the Internet up.

I toast this Jolt to you Mister Sysadmin! Happy Sysadmin Day!

Need sound effects?

The freesoundproject has a TON of sound effects and the like all under the creative commons license! They are looking for sound effects, loops, and things to create a collaborative database of CC licensed sound files.

This place is awesome. Just register, and away you go..and Hey! Don’t forget to contribute too.
The Freesound Project

Liberated Games

Liberated Games – Free, legal games for download. Includes games like DukeNukem3d, Doom, Doom2, Wolfenstein 3d, Grand Theft Auto, and Grand Theft Auto 2, and many more.

read more | digg story

Calling Doctor Floyd!

Welcome to another edition of “Kreg’s: How’d I Miss That!”

My buddy Chuck Tomasi whom I co-host Technorama with, pointed me to Doctor Floyd. I am kicking myself in the rear trying to figure out how this one got by me. This podcast is like crossing Jimmy Neutron with Rocky and Bullwinkle. It is short, about 3 – 5 minutes each, and funny. It is done in the style like an old serial radio broadcast.

Season 3 starts Monday August 1st, but to catch up Seasons 1 and 2 are available for download off of thier website. Since the episodes are short, you can buzz through each season in about 30 minutes.

Definitely worth listening to.

Welcome to
When his Time and Space Travel Device is stolen by the evil mastermind Dr. Steve and his sock-shaped assistant Fidgert…Dr. Floyd, his young protégé Dr. Grant and their faithful robot companion C.H.I.P.S. must do what they can to get it back. Bent on achieving fame and fortune, Dr. Steve plans to race through history stealing historical items and then returning to the future to sell them on eBay. Can Dr. Floyd and his crew thwart the evil machinations of Dr. Steve and Fidgert? The only way to find out is to tune into the
Radio Adventures Of Dr. Floyd!

The Space Shuttle is Away!

I just watched Nasa TV using realplayer and at 10:39a like clock work, the shuttle took off. That is engineering at it’s best.

Besides the take off, watching the shuttle peal off from the large external tank was amazing. There was a camera attached to the external tank to facilitate seeing the under side of the shuttle as the orange tank fell away.

Congratulations Nasa and Shuttle Crew! Welcome back to space.